We are on a mission to share Jesus with as many people as possible and we need your help!

First, pick up several Little Jesus figures from the church office. 
Second, go to the Facebook page called LITTLE JESUS ADVENTURES so you can like, follow, & invite your friends to the page.
Third, pray over the Little Jesus and ask God to help you use these and know where to leave them in order to spread joy, peace, and laughter to those who needs a little bit of Jesus in their day.
Next, give a Little Jesus to someone you don’t know and tell them that you hope their day is truly blessed.  You can leave a Little Jesus at the next location during your busy day like a restaurant, grocery store, book store, hardware store, or any other place where you do business.
Finally, take a picture of Little Jesus when you place him somewhere or give him to someone.  Then share the picture with our Facebook page so we can watch Jesus travel through our community and see how far He travels outside of our community!
Thank you for joining us on this mission to share a Little Jesus with everyone we meet because change starts with us!