Searching for something that is missing?  You found it!  Welcome Home!

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits.  Celebrate Recovery is for EVERYONE!  No one should have to face their struggle alone.  We are a grace-filled community of strugglers who courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain, and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God, and others. In this process, we come to accept that some of the habits we have developed to escape our pain may have hurt us and those close to us.   It is a biblically based approach to help us achieve long lasting recovery by healing our hurts, guiding us toward new healthy truths, and developing life-giving habits.

You are welcome to join us online each Tuesday!

Who We Are

We are simply a group of people searching for complete spiritual healing in Christ!  We know it is hard to walk through the door of a recovery meeting for the first time because we have all had to do it.  Once you join us for the first time, you are part of our forever family!  You do not have to go through life alone!  Since our launch in January of 2020, we have seen our forever family grow and You are welcome here!

What We Do

We have Food and Fellowship every Tuesday night at 6:00 pm and Worship begins at 6:30.  We have a Teaching or a Testimony where we share the heart of Christ with everyone.  Our evening wraps up at 8:00 pm and Childcare is available.  We offer court stamps if you are needing them and you will receive one stamp for the large group and another for the small group.  You must stay for both in order to get the stamps.

What's Different

Celebrate Recovery is not your typical recovery meeting.  We are a faith-based recovery meeting where Christ is the center of each message.  We know it is the Grace of God that has brought us through many trials in our past.  We give glory to God for the Grace poured out and we share our testimony in an effort to spread Hope to others, so they know God is not finished writing their story yet! 

What is a Step Study?  How can I become part of the Leadership Team?

Each fall (the Sunday after Labor Day), we begin our Step Study groups that meet at 3:00 pm.   These groups are gender specific meaning the men only meet with the men and the women only meet with the women.  These groups work through the 25 recovery lessons.  The Step Study is a deep self-reflection journey with a trusted group where WHAT IS SAID IN GROUP WILL STAY IN GROUP!  Those who have been through the Step Study become a trusted group where no one places judgment and everyone understands that life will throw curve balls when we lease expect it.  This group continues through to April when the final lesson is complete.  Each year we acknowledge those who have completed the Step Study for the first time with a small token of memorabilia and we celebrate those completing it again as they walk through life together!  

In order to become part of the leadership team for Celebrate Recovery, the completion of the Step Study is required.  You cannot help someone travel through a journey of deep self-reflection if you have not traveled it yourself.  Another requirement to become part of the leadership team is to have a minimum of one-year sobriety and be active in recovery meetings with our Celebrate Recovery or a documented activity with another Celebrate Recovery.  Everyone is welcome to join the team and we need you in this journey to help us reach out to those who are searching for recovery and Hope!

What is a Hurt, Habit or Hang-up?

You may be thinking that recovery is only for those with alcohol or drug problems. This could not be further from the truth. Only one-third of the people attending Celebrate Recovery are dealing with chemical dependencies.  An addiction is anything that is done in gluttony.  A hurt, habit or hang-up is anything that hinders your walk with God.

Hurts – Are an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation such as abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce or relationship issues.

Habits - Is an addiction to someone or something; alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping and smoking.

Hang-ups - Is a negative mental attitude that is used to cope with people or adversity including anger, depression, fear and unforgiveness.

Remember this!  We all struggle with something.  If we did not struggle then we would not need the Hope found in Christ!

CR Annual October Chili Cookoff

It’s that time of the year again!  
Each October, we host our Annual Chili Cookoff at Celebrate Recovery.  Dig those recipes out for your best Chili or Taco Soup.
There are three awards to be given.
The “BEST OF THE BEST” award goes to the overall winner.
The “HOT AND SPICY” award goes to the best chili recipe. 
The “MEEK AND MILD” award goes to the best taco recipe.

No entry fee is required. You only need to provide a crockpot amount of soup to be judged and served.  We will provide the bowls, spoons, napkins and drinks!  If you want to serve your soup with items such as chips, cheese, sour cream, cornbread, tums or other items please make sure you provide them.  All you have to do is be ready to keep the bowls filled as everyone enjoys a time of food and fellowship.

We ask for participants to be set up by 5:30 so judging can begin.  Soup is served at 6pm to all who came to enjoy an amazing time of food and fellowship.  No cost to eat!  Just invite your friends and we will save you a seat.  This is a great time, and we are looking forward to seeing returning participants as well as new participants.

Any registration outside of this time frame will be unsaved and disregarded.