Your Place in Ministry - September 25th

Organ Dedication
This Sunday, September 25th at 5:00 pm will be our special Organ Dedication in the Sanctuary. The Trussville Community Concert Choir, our Chancel Choir, along with the HTHS Chamber Choir, Brass4Him and a special guest organist will perform. Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music!

Circle 1 Pecan Fundraiser
It's time again for the Circle 1 annual Priester's Pecan sale. They will be taking order through October 24th. The price is $11.50 per bag and are available in halves and pieces. To order, pick up an order form from the church office or download the form at this link. Return your form and money to Robin Brown, Cindy Lawson, or the church office. Please make your checks payable to Circle One. For questions, contact Robin Brown at 205-337-4086.

Celebrate A Village of Hope
Sunday, September 18th is the deadline to give toward Naomi Houses. On Sunday, September 25th at the 8:30 am Traditional service, Pastor Steve will consecrate the Uganda missionaries. They are Dan Shirah, Ann Walls, Savannah Strange and Lee Neal. The number of Naomi Houses to be built will be announced. Thank you for giving from the heart. You have made it possible for widows in Uganda to have a safe place to live. We give God all the Praise, Honor and Glory!

Fall Consignment Sale 2022
We would like to say a special THANK YOU to the church members, the youth group, and all other volunteers that took time out of your busy schedules to come serve along with us in this ministry. This sale would not be a success without your support! Thank you again for your willingness to volunteer your time. We appreciate your continued support of the mission and ministry of the Consignment Sale that benefits the entire church and our local community.

Diapers and Wipes Drive
Our SWAG Tween Ministry will be collecting items for Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank from September 11th-30th. High priority items are diapers (size 6), pullups and baby wipes. Open packs of diapers and pullups are acceptable. Bins will be located by the Childrens Ministry office as well as the front desk of Kids First Day School.

CR Chili/Taco Soup Cookoff
—DON’T FORGET! Celebrate Recovery at Trussville First UMC will be hosting our annual Chili/Taco Soup Cookoff on Tuesday, October 4th, starting at 6PM.
—There are three awards to be given.
The “BEST OF THE BEST” award goes to the overall winner.
The “HOT AND SPICY” award goes to the best chili recipe.
The “MEEK AND MILD” award goes to the best taco recipe.
All are welcome to come and sample some delicious chili/taco soup and join in worship!

Candy Donations for Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat this year will be Sunday, October 23rd. We are now collecting candy donations for the trunks. If you would like to contribute, please drop off your donations in the barrel outside the Children's Ministry office. Thank you for your help!

Embodied Meditation at Cheaha State Park
October 14, 2022 at 10 am.
More details and registration information

Youth Ministry News
Bro’s, Boxes, and Bowls Night! We’ll be having another theme night for this Sunday! Everyone will need to bring their own bowl and a box of their favorite cereal! We will be sharing our cereal with everyone and discussing what we like about each one! This will flow directly into our lesson for the night. We will also be having a Smash Bro’s tournament on the switches! It should be another fun filled night for the students to invite their friends, so please encourage them to continue to do so!  ***We will provide all of the milk for this night!***
—Our envelope fundraiser is going great! We still have several envelopes hanging on the wall outside of Phillip’s office, but we are thankful for everyone’s generosity in this fundraiser so far! If you haven’t stopped by and picked up an envelope, then feel free to do so! The number on the outside of the envelope is the amount that you would donate. You may drop the envelope in the offering plate on Sunday, or you may drop it off at the office when it’s convenient for you.

UMM Monthly Meeting
The United Methodist Men will conduct their next monthly meeting on Sunday, October 9, 2022. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the meeting. Our program for October is “Three Hots and a Cot” a 501c3 organization formed by veterans to help veterans. Their primary mission is to assist homeless military veteran’s transition from life on the streets into a self-sustained lifestyle. Please notify Allen Hatcher by phone or text at (205) 773-9591 if you will be attending the meeting.

Community Food Bank
The Mission Team volunteers this month at the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama from 9:00 to 11:30 am on Thursday, October 20th. We are always accepting new volunteers! If you would like to join the team, please call Charlene Sharp at 205-835-2691 or email at to register.


Organ Fundraiser Update

Our new organ has been installed! We are still in need of donations to help with the cost. Our goal is $94,000. Thanks to generous donors, we have raised over $26,000. If you would like to make a donation, please select the organ option online or write “Organ Fundraiser” on the memo of your check. All gifts are greatly appreciated.

*REMINDER* Church Items for Sale
We are currently selling t-shirts, totebags, drink tumblers and magnets through the church office. Some items have limited quantities, so be sure to get yours soon! Call 205-655-3259 to check availability.

T-shirts - $20.00 each (all sizes available to 3x)
Drink Tumblers - $8.00 each
Canvas Totebags - $6.00 each
Magnets - $1.00 each
You can also purchase all in a bundle for $35.00


Your Place in Ministry - October 2nd


Your Place in Ministry - September 18th