Your Place in Ministry - July 31st

Children’s Ministry Parent Meeting
The Parent/Children’s Ministry meeting has been rescheduled for August 14 at 3 pm in the Women’s Ministry classroom upstairs in the administration building. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend, as we will discuss Move Up Sunday, the redistribution of age groups, as well as upcoming events.

Huffman Football Team
We will once again support the Huffman Football Team this year with our prayers, water, Gatorade and power supplements, as well as providing a pre-game meal each week for the players. More information on how you can help with this ministry will be coming soon through email. Your prayers are the most important of all as we minister to this team. Thank you so much!

UMM Vegetable Dinner
The United Methodist Men will serve their annual Vegetable Dinner on Wednesday, August 10 at 6:00 pm. They will be serving Lima beans, macaroni and cheese, corn on the cob, southern fried corn, sliced tomatoes, coleslaw, cornbread and banana pudding. Please make reservations to attend by either signing up in the Sunday School rooms or contacting the church office at 205-655-3259.

A Study on “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren
Leader: Rev. Bob Murray
September - November
This is a spiritual journey that will enable you to discover the answer to life’s most important question: What on earth am I here for? By the end of the journey, you will know God’s purpose for your life. This is a Naomi Girls sponsored journey open to the church family. Dates to begin in September and times will be announced later (one-hour, daytime study). Please pray about going on the journey. We will need to order books for participants. Contact Linda Shaddix if you plan to attend.

Organ Fundraiser
Our new organ has been installed! We are still in need of donations to help with the cost. Our goal is $94,000. Thanks to generous donors, we have raised over $21,000. If you would like to make a donation, please select the organ option online or write “Organ Fundraiser” on the memo of your check. All gifts are greatly appreciated.

New Stephen Minister Classes to Begin
The training and growth classes for new Stephen Ministers will begin on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:15 p.m. The 50-lesson training grows and hones existing skills and teaches new approaches for walking alongside individuals who are experiencing challenges in their daily life, often through the death of a loved one, divorce or family issue, loss of a job or other financial change, or a health crisis. Stephen Ministers work one-on-one with a care receiver as they address the life challenge. If you feel called to become a Stephen Minister, please talk with one of the Stephen Ministers and complete a short application. The skills learned in the training are also applicable to your own life as you encounter friends and acquaintances each day.

Eyeglasses Donations for Uganda
We are now accepting eyeglasses for our upcoming Uganda Mission Trip. Please bring your eyeglasses to the church office before September 18th. Thank you!

Update on Naomi Houses
The Naomi Girls thank you so much for your generous donations. At this time, five widows in Uganda will have a house. We have less than a month left; the deadline is September 18th for donations to be turned in. A donation of $25 from 32 people can build a house. You can make a difference in a widow’s life. If you or your group would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to Trussville First UMC and put “Naomi Houses” on the memo line. You can also give online at this link. Follow the Missions fund link and select Naomi Houses as the sub fund. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Shaddix.

Wednesday Night Fundraiser Dinners
We have available Wednesday nights open during the summer. If your class or group is interested in a Wednesday night fundraiser, please contact the church office at 205-655-3259 to reserve your spot.

UMM Monthly Meeting
The United Methodist Men will conduct their next monthly meeting on Sunday, August 14, 2022. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the meeting and a special guest speaker. As always, children and wives are welcome at meetings. Please notify Allen Hatcher by phone or text at (205) 773-9591 if you will be attending the meeting.

Community Food Bank
The Mission Team volunteers this month at the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama from 9:00 to 11:30 am on Thursday, August 18th. We are always accepting new volunteers! If you would like to join the team, please call Charlene Sharp at 205-835-2691 or email at to register.

*REMINDER* Church Items for Sale
We are currently selling t-shirts, totebags, drink tumblers and magnets through the church office. Some items have limited quantities, so be sure to get yours soon! Call 205-655-3259 to check availability.

T-shirts - $20.00 each (all sizes available to 3x)
Drink Tumblers - $8.00 each
Canvas Totebags - $6.00 each
Magnets - $1.00 each
You can also purchase all in a bundle for $35.00


Your Place in Ministry - August 7th


Your Place in Ministry - July 24th