Your Place in Ministry - February 13th

Thank You!
The Lovelady Center picked up the first truckload of toilet paper on Tuesday, February 8th and more is waiting for them when they return. They are very grateful! Please continue to bring what you can to the church ASAP as they still have this ongoing need. Your generosity is much appreciated!

The Trussville Methodist Consignment Sale still has volunteer opportunities for the Spring Consignment Sale during March 6- March 12. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to assist in this ministry. We particularly need to fill afternoon and evening shifts each day. We have volunteer opportunities for all activity levels and all times of the day. If you are unable to volunteer, please consider sponsoring a meal for our volunteers that are working long hours. Church Members can shop early on Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 pm. Volunteers shop even earlier on Wednesday, March 9th depending on the number of hours worked. Please contact Katie Morse at or Carolyn Matthews to sign up for a work shift or sponsor a meal.
Thank you for your patience, time, and continued support of the Consignment Sale!

Live In Action Food Drive
From February 1st through February 13th, our church, along with Faith UMC will hold a Community Food Drive. Members from Faith UMC and Trussville First will make up and give out grocery bags of food at Faith UMC on Saturday, February 26th. Suggested food items: peanut butter, rice, jelly, macaroni & cheese, cereal, spaghetti sauce, syrup, Chef Boyardee, PopTarts, stews and soups with protein, granola bars, saltines/cracker flour, canned meats-tuna, chicken, and ham, vegetable oil, canned fruit, canned beans/corn, pancake & muffin mixes (mix with water only.) Please bring your food donations to Trussville First's office between February 1st & 13th. If you would like to volunteer to help repack the food and give it out – please contact the Church office at 205-655-3259 or Spencer Welch at

Love In Action Blood Drive
We will be hosting a blood drive on Sunday, February 13th from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. Look for the big Life South bus in our front parking lot! Walk-ins are welcome but if you would like to schedule an appointment, follow this link:

Upcoming Ash Wednesday Events:
March 1st – Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper 6:00 pm Christian Life Center. Churchwide—everyone is invited to come and enjoy pancakes

March 2nd - Ash Wednesday Services
7:00 – 8:30 am Drive Through (Ashes won’t be imposed, but you will receive them.)
11:30 am -12:30 pm Drive Through (Ashes won’t be imposed, but you will receive them.)
6:30 pm Service in the Sanctuary (Ashes will be imposed.)

Naomi Girls
The Naomi Girls will have an Art Class and BYO lunch from 10 am - 1 pm on Friday, February 18th. Cost is $5 to participate in art class, and/or bring your own lunch/drink (lunch at 11:30 am.) If you’re a widow and haven’t joined Naomi Girls please contact Linda Shaddix if you would like to attend the art class, the lunch, or both.

Emmaus Cluster
There will be an Emmaus Cluster Meeting on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come to the Birmingham Area Emmaus Cluster and enjoy old time gospel songs and hear a great message. Share in the Holy Sacrament of Communion. Everyone is welcome!

Worship Tech Opportunities
The Worship Tech Team is currently looking for volunteers to assist in running the computer for the screens, the Sling for livestreaming and the soundboard. You will be taught everything you need to know and it is a great way to help in the production of our weekly services. If you're interested in joining our team, please contact Dan Shirah or the church office at 205-655-3259.

Community Food Bank
The Mission Team volunteers this month at the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama from 9:00 to 11:30 am on Thursday, February 17th. We are always accepting new volunteers! If you would like to join the team, please call Charlene Sharp at 205-835-2691 or email at to register.

Stephen Minister Training
UPDATE: The next training sessions will now begin in early spring to increase the likelihood of safely having in-person classes. If God is pushing you to engage in learning how to be a Christian caregiver, please touch base with one of the Stephen ministers and complete the short application (available in the church office in the Stephen Ministry box (or from a Stephen Minister). If you have questions about the program, ask any Stephen Minister or contact Stuart Garner (cell 770-354-3372).


Your Place in Ministry - February 20th


Your Place in Ministry - February 6th