Your Place in Ministry - November 20th

The church office will be closed on November 24-25 and Kids First Day School will be closed November 23-25 for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday!

Note: The Discernment page has been updated with 2023 Important Dates and Information

Kids First Needs Volunteers
Kids First Day School is in need of volunteers who can assist teachers during the lunch period. If you can volunteer any day of the week from 11:00 am - 1 pm, please email Amy Gulledge at or call Kids First at 205-655-0583. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Grinch Parents Night Out Fundraiser at Kids First
Friday, December 2nd from 6-9 pm. Kids will enjoy The Grinch animated movie and have fun with games, activities and art projects. Dinner and treats will be served. Reservations are due by November 30th and cost is $20 per child. Children 0-5th Gr. are welcome. Pick up your registration form at the Kids First Front Desk.

Christmas Toys for Lovelady Children
Our church has a continuing supportive relationship with the Lovelady Center in Birmingham which provides assistance to abused and drug-impacted women and their children. Circle 1 does an annual Christmas dinner with some of the children where they have pizza, do a Christmas ornament and the kids receive a Christian book. Church members provided truck loads of toilet paper to the Center when their supplier could not deliver during Covid. During this advent season, children’s toys will be collected in a box outside of the Fellowship Hall through December 15th. The mothers will then be given an opportunity to “shop” from the gifts for their kids. Unwrapped new toys for any age will be much appreciated.

Christmas Poinsettias
This Christmas season 8” pots of poinsettias are on sale to help support our Church missions for only $20. You can order a poinsettia in honor or in memory of someone special to you. Poinsettia Sunday is December 11th. Please leave poinsettias at the church until after our 11 am service. Deadline to order is Sunday, December 4th. Order forms are available in the Transept, the Welcome Center and the Church office. Please place orders, along with your payment, in the offering plate or turn in to the Church office. Make checks to FUMC and please put Poinsettia on the memo line. Our poinsettias are grown by Rainbow Omega, a residential home to 79 adults ranging in age from 18-79 years old, with developmental disabilities. Rainbow Omega means “hope in the end”. For more information contact Louise Jensen or the church office at 205-655-3259.

Birmingham Community Band Christmas
Come and enjoy the Birmingham Community Band Christmas Concert. Let your heart be light and filled with the spirit of Christmas! The concert will take place in our Christian Life Center on Sunday, November 27th at 3:00 pm. Please invite all your family and friends to this special event.

The Lovelady Center
The Lovelady Center has requested help with paper products once again, specifically toilet tissue. Please bring your donations to the church office. Thank you for your help with this need.

CR & Church Without Walls
Thank you for the great response to the Angel Tree!  If you took a child to sponsor, please return your gifts to the church by December 11th.  Any questions please reach out to me: Tish Dennis 205-602-4041.

Handbell Ministry Needs Ringers
Handbells are fun to ring! With a little bit of practice and dedication, anyone can share the joy of making Handbell music at Trussville FUMC. Your help is needed! There are bells that do not have a ringer to ring them. There is nothing about ringing a Handbell that you cannot learn. Please give Handbells a try. Contact Kelley Clegg Neal ( or 256-738-3979) or any member of Jubilant Ringers to begin. Jubilant Ringers will ring at St. Vincent’s East on Thursday, December 15th at noon-mark your calendar and make plans to join us as we ring in the Season.

Children’s Ministry
Some of you may feel called to help teach our sweet kids! You can sign up as a permanent, monthly or weekly volunteer, or just help out as a substitute. You can contact Barber Clark at -

Youth Ministry
If you have (or know of) a child that would like to go through confirmation, an informational meeting will be held on Sunday, December 4th immediately after the 11 am worship with lunch provided in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Phillip McEvoy to let him know that you are interested in attending this meeting at

UMM Monthly Meeting
The United Methodist Men will conduct their next monthly meeting on Sunday, December 11, 2022. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the meeting. This month's special guest speaker is Phillip McEvoy, Youth Minister for Trussville First. Breakfast will be provided by the Seek & Discover Sunday School Class. As always, children and wives are welcome at meetings. Please notify Allen Hatcher by phone or text at (205) 773-9591 if you will be attending the meeting.

Community Food Bank
The Mission Team volunteers this month at the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama from 9:00 to 11:30 am on Thursday, December 15th. We are always accepting new volunteers! If you would like to join the team, please call Charlene Sharp at 205-835-2691 or email at to register.

-Hanging of the Green/Advent Begins
Sunday, November 27th

-The Birmingham Community Band Christmas Concert
Sunday, November 27th at 3:00 PM in the Christian Life Center


Organ Fundraiser Update

Our new organ has been installed! We are still in need of donations to help with the cost. Our goal is $94,000. Thanks to generous donors, we have raised over $28,000. If you would like to make a donation, please select the organ option online or write “Organ Fundraiser” on the memo of your check. All gifts are greatly appreciated.

Trussville First Email List
Have you subscribed to our email list? If not, you could be missing out on important information. We send out announcements and prayer lists weekly, along with special event information and much more! New members of Trussville First are not automatically subscribed to our list, so if would like to sign up, please visit our subscription page.

Church Items for Sale
We are currently selling t-shirts, totebags, drink tumblers and magnets. The items can be purchased through the church office or outside Grace Vision in the Welcome Center. Call 205-655-3259 to check availability.

T-shirts - $20.00 each (all sizes available to 3x)
Drink Tumblers - $8.00 each
Canvas Totebags - $6.00 each
Magnets - $1.00 each
You can also purchase all in a bundle for $35.00


Your Place in Ministry - November 27th


Your Place in Ministry - November 13th