Your Place in Ministry - January 23rd

Ecuador Planning Meeting 2022
The Ecuador Mission team is planning a mission trip meeting on Monday, January 31, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Both FUMC Trussville members (10 potential team members) and Faith UMC members (8 potential team members) are encouraged to attend. At the meeting, the team will discuss details on trip cost, airfare, and the project. It's not too late to join the team. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to attend the meeting.
Praying for health, safety, and blessings on you, yours, and the people of Ecuador.

Children's Ministry
Join us at 2:00 on Sunday, January 30 for a Children’s Ministry/Parent meeting in the Fellowship Hall. We will highlight our upcoming 2022 events, curriculum, and welcome input from our parents.
We are also excited to announce a revitalization of our SWAG (Saved With Amazing Grace) group! Starting in February, children ages 5th-8th grade will meet for Sunday School upstairs in the Kids First building. There will also be a weekly fellowship/Bible study for this age group. Please make plans to attend this meeting if you are a parent of a child through 8th grade!

Worship Tech Opportunities
The Worship Tech Team is currently looking for volunteers to assist in running the computer for the screens, the Sling for livestreaming and the soundboard. You will be taught everything you need to know and it is a great way to help in the production of our weekly services. If you're interested in joining our team, please contact Dan Shirah or the church office at 205-655-3259.

Community Grief Support Group
The Community Grief Support Group meets at TFUMC in 12 week cycles in January and August. They will begin a new support group Thursday nights starting January 27th. If you have lost your spouse within the last year, please contact the church office at 205-655-3259 for more information.

We will be collecting donations to UMCOR for the recent tornado devastation in Kentucky. To donate, make your check payable to TFUMC and put UMCOR on the memo line. You can drop off your donations to the church office or place them in the collection plate during the Sunday services. You are also welcome to give online here and select UMCOR as the fund. We will be sending the collected donations periodically until the deadline. The deadline to give for this drive will be January 31, 2022.

Pastor Steve’s New Devotional
“See You At The Plate” The new 365 day devotional by Dr. Steve Strange is now available. You can purchase a copy through Pastor Steve (he accepts Venmo) or through the church office. The cost is $21.99 each and if you are writing a check, please make it payable to Steve Strange. While this price seems low for a book this size, it will still enable Pastor Steve to gift some of the books where they are most needed. Be sure to purchase one soon!

Stephen Minister Training
UPDATE: The next training sessions will now begin in early spring to increase the likelihood of safely having in-person classes. If God is pushing you to engage in learning how to be a Christian caregiver, please touch base with one of the Stephen ministers and complete the short application (available in the church office in the Stephen Ministry box (or from a Stephen Minister). If you have questions about the program, ask any Stephen Minister or contact Stuart Garner (cell 770-354-3372).


Your Place in Ministry - January 30th


Your Place in Ministry - January 16th